Pence Select Walnut Trees
This 37-year-old plantation is a premier source of Black Walnut seedling stock.
We’re taking orders
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Price List
Hensler Nursery is a premium provider of bare root seedlings and transplants. With the guidance of our forester and dedicated staff, we produce and ship thousands of seedlings across America each year.
Our Crew

A happy, mindful crew of working hands is what makes Hensler Nursery work.
During our spring season, eager hands follow closely behind the slowly lumbering seedling undercutter. They carefully and quickly slide groups of seedlings from the loosened soil and into containers which protect the freshly exposed roots.
In the earliest summery hours, fingertips hunker down deeper into the soil to pull a stubborn clump of crabgrass roots from a spruce seedbed. By 8 a.m. the crew’s calloused hands are reqacquainted with the wooden handle of their thin bladed shearing knife. With a perfected swinging motion, the knife easily zings through the pine Christmas tree’s excess growth.
In the fall, nuts and berries and other tree and shrub seeds are gathered by hand to be planted in the nursery.
Early in December, cold and numbed fingers stumble through the last knot of a freshly baled Christmas tree as the customer is greeted with a warm smile and a “Merry Christmas.”
Our customers’ patronage over the last 66 years has provided Hensler Nursery the opportunity to offer hands on, first job employment, to hundreds of young people who live in our community.
We thank you for that.